Images Features
Planting lettuce in bed
12124355 - Planting lettuce in bed
Ashes scatter against snails
12124998 - Ashes scatter against snails
Hanging nest box freshly cleaned in spring
12174419 - Hanging nest box freshly cleaned in spring
Woman picking coriander seeds (cilantro)
12160547 - Woman picking coriander seeds (cilantro)
Close the interfaces on the tree from about 2 cm in diameter with wound paste
12128438 - Close the interfaces on the tree from about 2 cm in diameter with wound paste
Plant Lycopersicon (tomato)
12128385 - Plant Lycopersicon (tomato)
Building a compost: Apply shredded material
12128193 - Building a compost: Apply shredded material
Drain off nettle broth
12124997 - Drain off nettle broth
Planting lettuce in bed
12124353 - Planting lettuce in bed
Construction of a compost - Distribute grass clippings on earth layer
12128188 - Construction of a compost - Distribute grass clippings on earth layer
Loosen up soil in the vegetable garden
12125010 - Loosen up soil in the vegetable garden
Fertilize pink (rose) with wood ash
12128631 - Fertilize pink (rose) with wood ash
Planting bamboo with rhizome barrier: Insert rhizome barrier
12128256 - Planting bamboo with rhizome barrier: Insert rhizome barrier
Woman cutting off cucumber, as the side shoots start producing more fruit
12125020 - Woman cutting off cucumber, as the side shoots start producing more fruit
Woman planting young artichokes plants into the bed
12125009 - Woman planting young artichokes plants into the bed
Cutting rose plants, climbing rose
12124473 - Cutting rose plants, climbing rose
Compost, woman places grass clippings on compost pile
12123940 - Compost, woman places grass clippings on compost pile
Plant Lycopersicon tomato - distribute bark mulch around plantation
12128388 - Plant Lycopersicon tomato - distribute bark mulch around plantation
Well rotted compost, watering can
12124484 - Well rotted compost, watering can
Cutting back of satureja montana (mountain savory)
12128645 - Cutting back of satureja montana (mountain savory)
Freshly harvested elderberries (Sambucus nigra), basket
12179687 - Freshly harvested elderberries (Sambucus nigra), basket
Construction of a compost - Distribute grass clippings on earth layer
12128189 - Construction of a compost - Distribute grass clippings on earth layer
Build winter quarters for hedgehogs
12127868 - Build winter quarters for hedgehogs
Drain off nettle broth
12124996 - Drain off nettle broth
Dampen moistened cutting end in rooting powder
12128567 - Dampen moistened cutting end in rooting powder
Separate Daucus carota carrots - Pull out plants that are too close
12128367 - Separate Daucus carota carrots - Pull out plants that are too close
Building a Compost - Vegetable kitchen waste on the compost
12128190 - Building a Compost - Vegetable kitchen waste on the compost
Spring bed with Tulipa, Arabis, Myosotis, Hyacinthus and Narcissus
12181753 - Spring bed with Tulipa, Arabis, Myosotis, Hyacinthus and Narcissus
Parsley plant, plant press
12128394 - Parsley plant, plant press
Cut Lycopersicon into the plant hole
12128384 - Cut Lycopersicon into the plant hole
Construction of a compost - lay branches as the lowest layer for ventilation
12128185 - Construction of a compost - lay branches as the lowest layer for ventilation
Pheromone trap hanging on Mirabelle tree (Prunus domestica)
12126246 - Pheromone trap hanging on Mirabelle tree (Prunus domestica)
Rhubarb planting Step By Step
12123800 - Rhubarb planting Step By Step
Store apples (Malus) on shelves, pumpkins (Cucurbita) on the ground
12160550 - Store apples (Malus) on shelves, pumpkins (Cucurbita) on the ground
Planting fruit tree (sweet cherry)
12123896 - Planting fruit tree (sweet cherry)
Peas, sow in the flower bed
12123770 - Peas, sow in the flower bed
Remove side shoot from tomato
12125791 - Remove side shoot from tomato
Pots in autumn clean for wintering
12128466 - Pots in autumn clean for wintering
Construction of a compost: pour compost in warm weather
12128194 - Construction of a compost: pour compost in warm weather
Dianthus deltoides 'Brillant'
12125731 - Dianthus deltoides 'Brillant'
Rhubarb planting Step By Step
12123798 - Rhubarb planting Step By Step
Peas, sow in the flower bed
12123771 - Peas, sow in the flower bed
Cut Buxus sempervirens (Box) into shape
12181765 - Cut Buxus sempervirens (Box) into shape
Gain rhizomes from bamboo plants - pull rhizomes out of the earth
12128219 - Gain rhizomes from bamboo plants - pull rhizomes out of the earth
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in the bed
12124857 - Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in the bed
Young cabbage plants, with planting wood in the bed
12124385 - Young cabbage plants, with planting wood in the bed
Add compost, vegetable waste to the compost
12123941 - Add compost, vegetable waste to the compost
Sow peas, water well
12123777 - Sow peas, water well
Lime paint on pear tree protects the trunk from frost cracks and pests
12181761 - Lime paint on pear tree protects the trunk from frost cracks and pests
Harvest pick salad with knife
12127843 - Harvest pick salad with knife
Building a compost ,: Apply compost accelerator
12128192 - Building a compost ,: Apply compost accelerator
Divide and plant the chives - plant the prepared parts
12127918 - Divide and plant the chives - plant the prepared parts
Cut vegetative melons shoots regularly for better fruit set
12127829 - Cut vegetative melons shoots regularly for better fruit set
Harvest of sweet cherries, alu strips for bird control
12128343 - Harvest of sweet cherries, alu strips for bird control
Building a compost
12128186 - Building a compost
Sowing peas, taxiway
12123778 - Sowing peas, taxiway
Young plants in cold frame
12181741 - Young plants in cold frame
Grow early potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in the morning bed tunnel
12181739 - Grow early potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in the morning bed tunnel
Loosen the soil under tomatoes
12128427 - Loosen the soil under tomatoes
Freshly picked sweet cherries (bird cherry)
12124815 - Freshly picked sweet cherries (bird cherry)
Isolate radishes
12124358 - Isolate radishes
Easy pruning of forsythia after flowering
12128473 - Easy pruning of forsythia after flowering
Crocus – put onion in old stockings to protect against voles
12127837 - Crocus – put onion in old stockings to protect against voles
Woman injecting chard against diseases and pests
12125013 - Woman injecting chard against diseases and pests
Cover sprouted peas (pisum) with soil
12123773 - Cover sprouted peas (pisum) with soil
Peas (Pisum) loosen earth with hoe
12160519 - Peas (Pisum) loosen earth with hoe
Ribes rubrum 'Rondom' (red currant)
12128700 - Ribes rubrum 'Rondom' (red currant)
Brassica sabellica (kale) plants
12128653 - Brassica sabellica (kale) plants
Alustipis for bird control in cherry tree
12128340 - Alustipis for bird control in cherry tree
Wood spraying with backpack sprayer
12128312 - Wood spraying with backpack sprayer
Cut green manure and work it in - cut green manure
12127901 - Cut green manure and work it in - cut green manure
Geranium X Magnificum
12126926 - Geranium X Magnificum
Mulching tree pulp with straw
12174415 - Mulching tree pulp with straw
Freshly picked raspberries (Rubus)
12146018 - Freshly picked raspberries (Rubus)
Lawn edges cutting
12128478 - Lawn edges cutting
Plant bamboo with rhizome barrier - insert bamboo and fill soil
12128258 - Plant bamboo with rhizome barrier - insert bamboo and fill soil
Harvest of Apium graveolens var. Rapaceum (celery)
12127940 - Harvest of Apium graveolens var. Rapaceum (celery)
Tomatoes with herd blight, to be burned
12127865 - Tomatoes with herd blight, to be burned
Covering endive salad for bleaching
12126514 - Covering endive salad for bleaching
Vegetable stock in the dirt, cover with foil
12126457 - Vegetable stock in the dirt, cover with foil
Coreopsis verticillata (girl's eye)
12126114 - Coreopsis verticillata (girl's eye)
Convallaria at the foot of a tree
12124460 - Convallaria at the foot of a tree
Pumpkin squash patisson with flowers and fruits in the bed
12124227 - Pumpkin squash patisson with flowers and fruits in the bed
Freshly plant freshly planted rhubarb (Rheum)
12123797 - Freshly plant freshly planted rhubarb (Rheum)
Garlic laid flat before harvest, with calendula in row behind
12179672 - Garlic laid flat before harvest, with calendula in row behind
Basket of different tomato varieties
12166954 - Basket of different tomato varieties
Plant Lycopersicon tomato - Tie tomato plant to support rod
12128387 - Plant Lycopersicon tomato - Tie tomato plant to support rod
Strain sweetcorn
12127995 - Strain sweetcorn
Salvia officinalis
12127554 - Salvia officinalis
Rosebud with aphids
12125645 - Rosebud with aphids
Bush beans (Phaseolus) in the bed
12124853 - Bush beans (Phaseolus) in the bed
Flowering cucumber, pickled cucumber (Cucumis) on straw mulch cover
12123743 - Flowering cucumber, pickled cucumber (Cucumis) on straw mulch cover
Bench under Acer palmatum 'Arakawa', Buxus in terracotta pots
12166960 - Bench under Acer palmatum 'Arakawa', Buxus in terracotta pots
Tomatoes 'Yellow Pear' (Lycopersicon) in the bed
12125858 - Tomatoes 'Yellow Pear' (Lycopersicon) in the bed
Buxus sempervirens (Box), round form and angular cutting
12124614 - Buxus sempervirens (Box), round form and angular cutting
Lupinus X russellii 'My Castle' (lupin)
12124521 - Lupinus X russellii 'My Castle' (lupin)
Salsify (Scorzonera hispanica) in the bed
12174522 - Salsify (Scorzonera hispanica) in the bed
Weeding weeds on carrot bed with the help of a knitting needle
12128383 - Weeding weeds on carrot bed with the help of a knitting needle
Rosa 'Queen of Light Lucia', shrub rose, often flowering, good scent
12128309 - Rosa 'Queen of Light Lucia', shrub rose, often flowering, good scent
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